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What is Anavar?
Anavar is an Anabolic steroid available in either 2, 5 or 10 mg oral tablets. The drug has an active life of 8-12 hours, the average daily dose for a man is between 20-50 mg per day and for a woman the average is between 5-15 mg per day.

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Anavar is indicated as Adjunctive therapy and is used to promote weight gain after weight loss after surgery, Chronic infections, trauma and for patients who have certain health conditions that prohibit weight gain. The drug is also used to compensate for protein catabolism due to prolonged use of corticosteroids and for the relief of bone pain caused by osteoporosis.
Anavar and fat emissions
Anavar is considered a "fat-burning steroid". Both abdomen and visceral (deep) were both reduced in patients who received low/normal dosage range for natural testosterone found in Anavar. Professionals experienced a decrease in appendicular, total and trunk fat when given a dose of 20 mg per day, and no exercise was included in the diet.
In another study, people who had completed an anabolic steroid treatment experienced weight maintenance within 6 months of discontinuing treatment. Another study found that 83% of patients who discontinued treatment with anabolic steroids during a 12-week period were able to maintain fat reduction levels in the trunk, extremities and total body.

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Anavar Cycle
Many Anavar studies have been done using older males and young boys as a subject, what the studies showed was that the effects of the drug were not age-dependent. Subjects should use a period of "time on" and "time off" when using anabolic steroids, which means that humans lose a lot of fat over time spent on the drug and maintain fat loss for the next cycle.
Anavar is used for strength training and cutting purposes, but not for use in bulking or losing significant weight. With low dosage of Anavar, serum testosterone, six testosterone binding globulin (SHBG) and leutenant hormone (LH) levels were readily suppressed, significantly less than with other compounds.
In contrast, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF1) and growth hormone levels in patients using a low dose of Anavar claim to significant levels, but LH levels will recover when a person stops using Anavar.
Anavar: Use and abuse in sports
The use of anabolic steroids in sports is to increase the performance of the athlete. Oxandrolone was first developed for use in women and children, but since it has so few androgenic side effects, many men have also used the medicine as well.
Oxandrolone is very popular among athletes for many reasons, including but not limited to:
Oxandrolone causes users to experience a large increase in strength because it stimulates phosphocreatine synthesis in muscle cells without causing edema in joints and muscles.

Anavar For Women

A combination of oxandrolone and holotestin taken on a daily basis has been shown to give muscles a "more difficult" and more "cut" appearance.
Anavar (Oxandrolone) does not flavor in any doses, and only a certain percentage of testosterone in the body is converted to estrogen.
Because the side effects of Anavare are only small over an extended period, this has made the fabric extremely popular for use by athletes. Anavar is considered an "all-purpose" agent, and for this reason, it can be very versatile, depending on the individual's goals. If any side effects occur when using anabolic steroids, it is highly recommended to stop taking medicine and consult a physician.
The use of anabolic steroids can produce many ill side effects in patients who overuse or abuse the drug. Abuse of anabolic steroids can produce many permanent side effects and can result in death. It is important to take the medicine only as described and follow the dosing instructions prescribed by a healthcare professional.
Anavar® Use of women
For women who want to use anabolic steroids and avoid the masculinity-type side effects that may occur, Anavar® offers an alternative. Because Anavar® does not flavor (to convert to one or more aromatic compounds), it gives women the ability to experience the benefits of a hard and torn appearance at all levels.
Another benefit of using Anavar® in women is appetite suppression. For those who want to use the medicine to gain muscle, Anavar® combines with Winstrol, Primabolan Depot, Testosterone Propionate or Parabolan, the effect of the drug.
Anavar® results
Anavar® has proven to be a very versatile medicine for use in treating many medical conditions and improving health and fitness. Before taking any form of anabolic steroid medication, it is important to consult a physician and have a complete control to ensure that the medication can be safely taken.
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